GE ECS Trip Unit
ETC-12 vs GE ECS
Do you need a repair or replacement of a G.E. ECS Trip Unit? This is not a surprise because these units can be up to 35 years old!!! Don’t be fooled into purchasing another 35 year-old “surplus” unit which is probably on its last legs. Having the unit repaired will fix the “weakest link” but you will still be stuck with an old trip unit where the second weakest component is likely to fail.
Are you looking for a fast, reliable, inexpensive upgrade that will add decades to the life of your breaker? Then try the ETC-12 trip unit, a safe and flexible replacement for breakers with electromechanical overloads or aging first or second generation solid-state trips.
Not only can the ETC-12 be set up to replicate the time-current characteristics of any of the General Electric trip units, but it offers the latest in control, selectivity, and safety. All ETC-12 units are capable of providing full LSIG protection and allow the user to shut off any undesired bands. This means greater interchangeability and the ability to do more with less spares. The ETC-12 also offers features that are simply unavailable on the older General Electric units. These features include a remote mountable display with digital three-phase ammeter, flashSAFE arc-flash reducing maintenance mode, and MODBUS communications.
The ETC-12 can be supplied as part of a complete “kit” that includes all new components. A breaker can be upgraded with this kit, tested, and returned to service in a few hours. If you cannot tolerate an outage of that duration, ETC can provide matching breakers retrofitted with ETC-12’s that can be swapped with your breakers in a manner of minutes. If your budget is tight, the ETC-12 can be configured to work with the original General Electric current transformers that are already on your breaker. So buy our amazing product and let its advantages work for you.